The Fix
Usher was designed to end the headaches of having to redo most or all of your scheduling when something changes. We did this with a few key features.

The Backstory
Here’s a bit more detail from behind the scenes.
After working on about a dozen internal Marriott applications, one of our Marriott clients (it’s a big company so we had many different clients from different divisions) came to us and asked about a solution for their Openings process. Their team had been using a scheduling application, but several key features were missing which would make their process much more efficient.
We listened to and noted what parts of the process were time-consuming and then explored the product they were using to see what improvements could be made. We created an outline of what the client said would be an ideal application for their needs and reviewed it with them.
Internally, we hashed out everything, including the budget, and determined that building a SAAS application would make the most sense.
Why SAAS when we had typically built enterprise applications?
Prior to engaging with us, the client had done extensive research to find an existing solution but couldn’t find anything available in the marketplace. Our research also did not turn up a suitable option. That’s a strong indication of an opportunity to solve a problem for more than one company.
With a SAAS application we could reduce costs to the client up-front and help them keep within their budget. Plus, we could offer the solution to any other client needing help with their Opening process.
A win-win.
After doing some sketches and basic wireframes, we created a functional prototype and presented it to the client. The response was overwhelmingly positive, so we put a team together and built Usher.

Key Problems Solved
In a nutshell, Usher saves teams valuable time.
A few highlights...
Shifting Dates
Scheduling changes happen - a lot.
For Openings, often that means every scheduled session needs to be pushed back.
Usher was built using a T +/- system where each session date is keyed off of the official Opening Date.
This allows for shifiting of dates - backward or forward - of all sessions when the Opening Date changes.
Within seconds and with only a few clicks.

Templates obviously save time by reducing the arduous task of re-entering the same information over and over.
They also serve another important purpose - preventing errors.
Making sure you have the most current file with the schedule of sessions is easy when they are stored as templates in Usher. No need to dig around in file folders or emails. Any team member with access to the account can use a template to create the next Opening or Event.
Watch the demo video for Usher Templates if you want to learn more.

User Experience (UX)
In a perfect world, all apps would be naturally intuitive. Lovely fantasy, right?
In reality, we have to think like the customer and make it clear what to do next so they don't have to go looking for help.
Usher steps through each section, wizard-style, to create an Opening or Event.
Account administrators go to My Events - which we call home base - to manage all of their Openings and Events. Everything the administrator needs to do is no more than a click or two away.
When something is new or unfamiliar, there are demo videos on YouTube and detailed help docs hosted in Gitbook.
Usher launched in July of 2020 with Marriott. Yes, during what turned out to be just the beginning of the pandemic. We were overly optimistic about how quickly the pandemic would be resolved but you play the cards that you are dealt. We pushed forward anyway.
Usher is now available to any company looking to efficiently manage their Opening scheduling, the way the largest hotel company in the world does.