A user-friendly tool to dig into the bill-making process. Go a step further and see how legislation is connected to the U.S. Code and Federal Regulations.

The Challenge
With a crazy short deadline of less than a month, this start-up needed an MVP (minimum viable product) to show. They had wireframes ready to go but no team in place to make it happen. They also required a Microsoft Teams app, which no developer I spoke to had even heard of before. Literally no one.
None of our teams were available on such short notice, so I scoured the internet until I found an amazing developer willing to give it a go. Teams app and all. We ran tiny sprints – a few days at a time - with quick communication to push out the requirements and test as efficiently as possible. And we did it.
Success Feels Great
It was a unique challenge that I enjoyed immensely – especially after we successfully completed it on time. (We may have pulled a few all-nighters that week.) Plus being one of the first teams ever to work with something Microsoft had just released was a great learning experience.
Building the next version of Markup Redline was much less stressful with a more standard timeline. That version is the one available online today.